2022 MRA Registration Announcement
April 18, 2022
Dear Marblehead Racing Association Member,
My name is Leslie Rousseau and I am the new Race Committee Chair for the Boston Yacht Club, also taking on the role as Chair of the Marblehead Racing Association, which rotates each year between the Boston, Corinthian, and Eastern Yacht Clubs. I have been a member of the BYC for over 30 years, and now spend winters cruising southern waters with my husband.
The Marblehead Racing Association Committee is pleased to announce that registration for the 2022 Marblehead Racing Association racing series is now open. As with last year, you can register at The Club Spot ( The 2022 racing schedule can be found on the Marblehead Racing Association website (
Did you know that this is the Marblehead Racing Association's 53rd year? Our goals remain the same:
- to encourage the development of competitive racing skills at all levels in both one-design and PHRF fleets
- to promote good sportsmanship both on and off the water
- to ensure the highest levels of competence in race management
During the off season, The Marblehead Racing Association Committee worked tirelessly to evaluate the survey results taken last fall. If you filled out a Marblehead Racing Association survey, then we appreciate your doing so.
Some outcomes of our research have resulted in changes to the schedule that we think you will enjoy:
- Same number of race days, more meaningful series – 18 days on the water with 3 series consisting of 5 days and a Fall Series consisting of 3 days
- First races take place over Memorial Day weekend.
- New 3rd 'Inside Line' for the Town Class – 6 race days around the Archers Rock area, maximum of two races per day
- This is being treated as an experiment to see if we want to return to the 3 circle model that was run for many years
- The Town Class will race on the North Line for their Labor Day Series
- Please see the Notice of Race for more information
A season's pass includes racing in the re-branded Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series, formerly the NOOD's. You will still need to register for the regatta on the Sailing World website and can find more information here:
The Boston Yacht Club is this year's host and Helly Hansen and Mount Gay return as sponsors.
We are looking forward to a pre-COVID season on the water and will stay in touch if anything changes regarding town or state mandates.
Please email me with questions or comments and I'll do my best to find the answers for you.
See you out on the race course!
- Leslie (Marquette) Rousseau
Chair, Marblehead Racing Association